मंगलवार, 31 मार्च 2009

क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे

क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे

जीवन एक मरू-स्थल है ,
इसमे फसल पैदा कर पाओगे ?
वैमनस्य है इतना जग में,
इसमें साथी कहीं पाओगे ?
क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे?

दूर बना कर लक्ष्य अपना ,
बीच में थक तो न जाओगे ?
देह जलाकर के अपनी ,
खाली हाथ तो नही आओगे ,
क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे?

मृग बनाकर दौडैएगी तृष्णा ,
क्या यह समझ पाओगे ?
मछली की आँख भूल ,
लिप्सा में तो न उलझ जाओगे ?
क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे?

सूर्य बढ़ाएगा तम अपना ,
इसमें जल तो न जाओगे ?
भट्टी में तपना ही पड़ेगा ,
तभी स्वर्ण कहलाओगे |

क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे?
क्या ख़ुद को बदल पाओगे?

- अक्षत डबराल "निःशब्द "

सोमवार, 30 मार्च 2009


I have been greatly troubled by a question; what is the most dynamic thing in the world?
Several plausible answers cropped up and were rejected erstwhile. Lately, I struck at a satisfying answer, so close that i was bewildered at the solution. It's the "mind". The same thing that generated the question, had the answer colloquially.

The "mind" is different from the brain. Brain is what we have, mind is what we get. Brain is all about Potential energy, mind is all about Kinetic energy. Ever wondered, one fraction of a second it's here just in front of you, and the next it wanders to the scenic beauties of Switzerland. At an instant it's concentrating, next it's busy playing a song for oneself. a feat no supercomputer can achieve, that too in so less space.It's the all controlling, directing authority, sometimes authoritative, sometimes humble. It knows the best way always, the smartest calculator ever made. It's been rightly said by someone, " In creating man, God somewhat under estimated his ability."

The men of highest order and merit know how to tap this resource to the maximum. Each one of them has developed a unique process within themselves, comprising of time-management, multitasking and what not, to work out an effective thought process for goal attainment. It's always advisable to use this most dynamic natural resource to the best of one's capability.

Why a day has 24 hours ??

Why a day has 24 hours ??

Had it one and a half more,
There would have been more powers and towers.

More time to have some showers,
More time to manage the drawers.

One could chase his ambition longer,
Further his dreams would wander.

Well, the Sun, Moon would have been the same,
Allowing an hour for a basket ball game.

Morning walkers would shed extra pounds,
With a decent increase in number of rounds.

Office work would not have been less,
As they would still observe DST i guess.

Children would have been more cheerful,
With longer times of play heartful.

Youth would have more time to kill,
Or utilize it, if they will.

Philosophers would generate more thought,
More thieves would get caught.

The Sun clocks would need more space,
The Big Ben would have to loose its pace.

Give it a thought, had the day been longer,
You would have done all that you wish and wonder.

It’s just my weird conception,
Transmit further if there is good reception.


Choices are what make us
we do not make choices
Often we are confronted with situation were we have no choice
but later we realise that the almighty had made his choice and given us none just for our benefit.

Modernization: Where are we heading?

Modernization: Where are we heading?

The advent of modernization can be traced back to the Industrial Revolutions in Europe. They ushered in a new era of changing lifestyles and paradigm shift in the people’s attitude. India that is Bharat (to differentiate modern from the traditional) was late to join this global bandwagon of modernization due to prolonged servitude and colonialism of the imperial powers. Although these powers brought the initial impetus to modernize the country, but they never tried for its development. Their sole concern was profit maximization, and the country besides been getting impoverished, got industries and railways as by products. As of the present times, India is modernizing at a steady pace, but this modernization has a different connotation for different sections of the society. Its similar to the story where five blind men meet an elephant and each one of those describes them on his own perception.

Considering the vast population of India we can never boast of it as an achievement, but the flip side of this invalid coin is that we have the largest number of youth in the world. The youth is bedazzled with the fast changing world around him; he has a mosaic of own for modernization. Some perceive that adopting a western lifestyle means modernization, actually obtaining freedom form social and cultural boundations is their motto. This is the reason we see deterioration of traditional values and shirking off of customs. To some modernization is mere coming to cities from their native towns and villages and then become a part of that ever growing giant. Some are so deprived of means and measures that they believe eking out money; by what so ever means is modernization. This has resulted in wide spread imbalances and ideological conflicts. We still remember what happened in Mangalore last week. What some people thought acceptable and ethical was a strict deviation from status quo for others. That’s as simple as people have notions; they become doctrines when others start to believe in them.

As for the masses comprising mainly of our peasants, deprived of land and facilities, modernization means an improvement in yield, which they sight as distant as the Sun. The fertilizers, irrigation and other facilities are all eaten up by the “suitcase farmers” having modern techniques and equipment. A poor peasant is left with nothing but more people to feed, less land to till and the food he eats to sow. The fertilizers facilities has been severely crippled by the economic reforms of the mid 1990s although country’s produce has increased but as a nation we have lost much. We often hear of farmer suicides and what can we call this a “modern” technique of repaying the debts accrued?

Even the manufacturing industries have modernized structurally and functionally, not ideologically. This is so, as you can still see promoters of a renowned paint company belittling Napgpur Orange to Canada Orange. Is this show of superior ness of foreign goods modernization? Was this the motive of the Swadeshi movement, which forms a part of our freedom struggle? The souls of our freedom fighters would have wept at this.
The increasing trend in services industry is a symbol of modern India , but hasn’t it made our economy so severely dependent on the FIIs and the FDIs. One can agree that the investors consider India a better investment place than Russia and China , but can one deny that if one’s own economy is reeling under recession that person would invest in an other country? How will we sustain our previous steady growth of 8-9 %.

The need of the hour is to bring in modernization of agriculture, which still employs 3/5th of our population; this will not only strengthen our economy but also distribute the fruits of development to the downtrodden. There is a need to infuse the youth with right mix of modern and traditional ideas, so they understand what our country stands for. The means and modes of governance need to be modernized if we want a corruption free and people friendly governance as envisaged by the ARC to be achieved till 2020.Modernization as a tool can prove to be a use or a nuisance, it all depends how effectively and judiciously we deploy it.

Akshat Dabral