गुरुवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2010

vengeance !

Its vengeance, Its vengeance,
Its vengeance, all the way.

Been running from myself,
I see nothing helps.
am fearing the shadows,
am dreading the hallows.
Swimming against flows,
Waters deep and shallow.

For I am the beast,
and I am the prey.
Know you wont like it,
Still I have to say.

Its vengeance, Its vengeance,
Its vengeance, all the way.

Faces i see, places i be,
they totally hate me.
Stares me in the eye,
everyone passing by.
They are all same.
but have different names.

Killing me so slow,
this venom you know.
I feel the pain every second,
every minute, every day.

Cos Its vengeance , its vengeance ,
Its vengeance all the way.

-Akshat Dabral

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