बुधवार, 6 अक्टूबर 2010

i want to live those days again.

For when i knew no loss no gain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i never cursed the rain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i never felt what is pain,
i want to live those days again.

For when there was nothing to refrain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i never cared of clothes' stain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i was so easy to entertain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i did'nt knew what to attain,
i want to live those days again.

For when life was simple and plain,
i want to live those days again.

For when i did'nt send God complaints,
i want to live those days again.

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